Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sara's view of Cape Henry

I gave Sara my point and shoot camera...this was her view!

our car from atop one of the lighthouses

all the stairs she had to climb

Cape Henry Lighthouse

A little photoshoot going down the 191 stairs! Would of shot more but daddy was getting scared!

Stairs from the top looking down
Stopped off at Va. Beach for a little bit.
Then we went to The Purple Cow. Cute little diner with good food and what the are know for, Purple Shakes. Not as good as Papa's version of a Purple Cow though!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sara's recent painting

Painting for J's dads birthday tomorrow.
what looks pink is not pink! but light brown.
He works for the Mariner's Museum, for those
who don't know! Thus, the ship.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sidewalk Chalk "LOVE"

A little note Sara left J the other day!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

She bit it hard!

Sara had her first bike accident yesterday. We had been biking all over Colonial Williamsburg for the afternoon. The first 3 pics are all Pre-accident!

We took a small gravel path and we all had a lot of speed. Sara lost control of her bike
and J turned around just as she was flying through the air!! She immediatly go up and and said to J.. "I think I'm dead"! and looked at all the blood and said "I don't have a million bandaids"!!!
She scraped her hand up pretty band and both knees! oh and under her nose! We cleaned her up and she was back on her bike. The rest the night we were able to laugh about it!! She said she has matching bike wounds like daddy when he mountain bikes!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Adventure Days Camp

Adventure Days was put on by a local church. 3 Days of fun things...last day being cholatel syrup tug a war! Sara started on the blue tarp, but smelled the chocolate and the stickyness of the syrup and went to the back of the line!!LOL

The last pic is great!! The look on Sara's face!!!